Monday, January 5, 2009

The Kaiser's Secret Weapons!

More German Troops Arriving on Mars!

Word has reached the Journal that additional troops bearing secret weapons from the Kaiserlich Forshcungsanstalt fur Geheimewaffen (KFG), or Imperial Research Institute for Secret Weapons, have arrived on the Red Planet!

Reliable sources from Neu Berlin have informed me that almost two platoons worth of these troops arrived very recently. Fortunately, they are not yet ready for deployment in the field, and word is that it may be weeks before they are prepared.

Rest assured, good readers, this Journal shall keep you informed of any change in the condition of these troops and their diabolical devices of dastardly devastation.

[Editor's note: I just got in the mail 17 Mordian Iron Guardsmen, from Games Workshop. Well, not directly from GW. I got them from someone on TMP. Fast shipping too - thanks! Anyway, I have to get bases for them, and then get to painting, and so on, so it will be a bit before they are ready to go. I did get an officer and a sergeant, plus... well, you'll ahve to check back later to see what else!]

1 comment:

Eli Arndt said...

So cool. I always liked the Mordians.